Featured on Bezar
Super happy that Bazar have featured our work on their site.
The design market place, check them out as we are feature alongside some other amazing design goods.
Super happy that Bazar have featured our work on their site.
The design market place, check them out as we are feature alongside some other amazing design goods.
Happy to be featured on this site among some very good friends
To celebrate Earth Day and actually my birthday we are running a site wide sale. 30% off all posters.
One day only make the most of it.
Use discount code: earthday40 at checkout
It's nice to see the whole collection laid out like this. I'm running out of room
This one was a challenge and we produced various versions before we got the split fountain colors correct.
I'd still like to do some more experiments in colors maybe with some silver.
Some behind the scenes shots
I took a chance photograph of the moon when I was in Yellowstone National Park. I was amazed at how much detail I managed to achieve. I'd like to do more of these for t-shirts or tote bags maybe.
Check out the collection here . The silver came out really well.